If you really wanna leave playkingdoms, here are some suggestions...
The message board for all our playmobil® discussions. Join us there! playmobil®
The official site... Just For Klicks!
from our very own Countess Krystal, the best playmophotostories around! PlaymoDB
The playmoparts database. Enough said :) Animobil
The place to go for animal info, featuring just about ALL playmoanimals that EVER were. klickyWelt
The german forum! Garden Wargaming
A site on the subject, using playmobil® figures. With tons of photos of customized little people, and information on how to do it. Claudia Schott's site
Loads of playmobil items pictured - and also those playmo-wannabes, Play Big.
playkingdoms is a tribute by Playmobil® fans and collectors, not an official site, and it is not endorsed by Playmobil® (or anyone else for that matter). No copyright infringement is intended (see full disclaimer in the Castle).
© 1999-2024,playkingdoms