The end.

Yes, I know, it's 2020... I am slow. VERY slow. The dio was finished on June 10, 2019.

After all the trouble the base for the xmasy dio gave me, I figured to reuse it before putting everything away.

Initially, I had planned a medievalish thing.. but then, the romans called louder

And yes, you don't need to wonder - I changed the series crap ending. My dio, my decision.

And if that looked familiar in the end.. it is. The scene at the end was a rehash of the Romanish Fort (2013) one - the fort commander there was Crassus too (who is the top commander of playkingdoms' roman armies), before the custom was finished, and the woman keeping him busy was my first version of Kore.... though I ended up deciding she REALLY needed to be more.. orange.

More details of Kore and Crassus here: Spartacus customs, part 2 (she was clicked long ago, he was FINALLY finished for the dio!)

Some bits of the making of on the next page.

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Queen Tahra, September 2020

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