Update: my bad, these are apparently from 2016, not 2018

There are 3 newer Viessmann promos:

9646691 - Biathlete/Cross Country Skier
9646692 - Ski Jumper
9646693 - Luger

These are available from their Online Shop. And they are able to copy an address with a different country!

Anyways, here they are (well, not in order ):

The boxes are larger than the old ones.

There is this pretty little card on each one:

The contents - triplets!

Why? AND, they are the same as the old ones (I mean, the hair is the updated classic one, but still..)

I really like the new hats, with the logo. Very striking.

They lost the wrist things (the previous ones had them). That's a shame.


You can see the sides are also printed, NOT common!

I struggled to detwin them - I avoided popping them, and the glasses meant no beards.. So, I figured the Luge guy didn't really need them with that helmet... Alas, no beard fit under it! So this is what I managed:

As usual, they needed neckpieces - the normal solution: snow ones. This is especially obvious with the big helmets...

Queen Tahra, March 2018

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