70148 Boys
(part 1/3)
1. Día De Los Muertos

An original idea, worderfully executed. He's a really interesting klicky... Just not very sure what to do with him around here

All the parts are beautifully printed, and the print is nice and crisp
- he also has a skull on his belt!

The head is unfortunately flesh colored - so, a painted man. Beautiful, but with limited use. And the heads
are different for the male/female figures

I think the hat and vest prints are new.
2. Skater

A common klicky, with a ridiculous head. To me, the head ruins the figure, though I admit that is probably just stupid of me.

I suppose the skate is new, and I do like the hat - both the sculpt and color (is it new in this color?)
3. Ranger

He's pretty, though nothing special or unique here, I think. The inclusion of the baby lion is original.
I like the color of the vest and hat, and I don't think it's that common.
4. Pirate

The mandatory pirate, made from parts they had about - these were used a lot already, I think.
The hair is very nice, and so is the beard (not very common in this color).
Queen Tahra, September 2021
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