Fi¿ures App

The app is featured in the box as usual. But... WHERE IN TARTARUS IS SERIES 25 IN THE FRACKING APP!?
Series 25 was nowhere to be found in the app when the actual figures were available (in the end of January). Last time they made a mess of updates, and left it with wrong names...
this time... it was worse.
There was a time the app gave an error, demanding an update. But none was available.
There is a new error, I believe - when no connection is available. Very nice

Series 25 was only available on the app on February 28. Strangely, on the app store after that it said "Updated on Jan 26, 2024" (though before it was November 23, so I have no
idea what that is worth, or what's the point) - boasting a "what's new: We have added season 25!". SERIOUSLY?
It was only about March 13 that the "unlocked" series 25 figures were actually kept on the collection after a restart. Yes, this happened with the last series too.
Why geobra allows this is beyond me.
The major change in app is that the completion of series 25 will NOT yield a golden knight. A strange timing for the decision, especially considering the 50th anniversary. Also, about time there was a different figure.
The number of collected figures for the golden knight present in the other series' is missing.

The app is not really changed - same screens, same buying options.
Once it was almost time for the daily pack (needed a screencap
), so, left the app on. When it was time, the countdown was messed up.
In the user stats, there was no planning for these numbers - btw, the totals are still off.
Uhm. My highscore stands.

Packs are the same, with the same images...
And as before, we get game boosters or figures. If the figure is already in the collection, we get coins (500 for the figure and 100 per item - note to playmobil: animals and babies are not items). Figures are still wildly unbalanced, and here that is evident.

Playing the matching game (tapping wildly) is still an easy way to get coins. As before, I did that a lot, and then entered the code for the last figure (the Sushi Chef).
Strangely, the avatar in the game part is the first one.
Then we look at
Season 25
Unfortunately, the care they had with the app was about the same (well, less) than last time. BTW, the mess for the previous series was not corrected either.
Boys are listed before Girls, but beyond that, no idea about the order this time. Well... not until I did the table at the end, that is.
Figures are still shown in that odd high school background. And they all have the same pose.
Besides that... the images used...
The Dwarf Warrior... well.. a dwarf he is not
. Or fat. The Hamburger Vendor is black!
And doesn not look fat to me... And he has the burger unassembled (kinda odd, since he OBVIOUSLY has no grill, despite the name he was given in the app)...
The Valkirye has the wrong shield... The
bambi baby reindeer shrunk... And... WTF is the Pizza Vendor doing with a basketball!? Nobody noticed this?
This time, only the Snow Walker seems to have floating accessories.
There are also unexisting parts (the scepter and leg thingies in the Aztec, the grass in the Sami), and badly rendered parts (the Valkyrie's bracer, and the
hats for the Sushi Chef and the Vampire, completely misrepresented).

The names of the figures are strange, wrong, and case inconsistent (Sushi
Chef.. Burger
griller - yes, I know, I'm picky.
Things get even worse with some languages - I suppose they used the same auto (mis)translator used for the portuguese store? In spanish, the
brilliantly named "Same"/"Same woman" are "El mismo"/"La misma mujer". Kinda makes sense
... It would be hilarious, if it wasn't so bad...
Then there's the gender... for the girls, we get in spanish "Vikingo" / "Vampiro" (I don't really know more spanish than every other portuguese person.. but those words refer to men,
not women).
The items... Note to playmobil: animals and babies are
NOT items:

Really odd choices, wildly uneven.. Here are some of the most...
interesting ones... taken from the strange "item enlarge" feature. Note to playmobil: animals and babies are
NOT items
The sword from the Dwarf Warrior, the Sushi Chef's chopsticks (looks more like an oarlock from a dinghy!), the baby in the carrier from the Father (note to playmobil: babies are not items!) and
part of the
printed belt of the Castaway.

printed chain of the Street Performer, the RC Driver's crayon comes with the holder, and the Snow Walker items - the two batons, separately, and in the position they are in the image (as all accessories).

As to the girls... The mystery scepter from the Aztec, the wrong Valkyrie's shield, and from the Sami, the very strange piece of grass, and her cape - depicted as if it doesn't have a back part.

The Pizza Vendor's "carry box" - and without the print! - is something you can only identify in context, same as the Basketball Player's water bottle, probably. Then there's the upside down Artist's painting, and the Policewoman's gun - in the holster!
Finally, here is a list of the figures in the app, and their identifying letter (in the leaflets, next to the set number):
Figure |
Id letter |
Dwarf | A |
Ghost | B |
Sushi Chef | C |
Same | D |
Burger griller | E |
Dad with baby | F |
Zombie | G |
SOS | H |
Rapper | J |
Racer | K |
Photographer | L |
Skier | M |
Maya Woman | N |
Viking woman | P |
Same woman | Q |
Princess | R |
Vampire | S |
Delivery girl | T |
Skater | U |
Superheroine | V |
Basketball player | W |
Unicorn woman | X |
Artist | Y |
Police woman | Z |
I suppose that sorts the mystery of the figures' order in the app. It would really make my life easier if they used ONE order for the leaflet, catalog and app
And that was the app for Series 25 - click
here to resume the review.
Queen Tahra, May 2024