Kept - Girls

1. Star - as planned, an older klicky to wear the star (and found the perfect hat for him!), plus the obvious arabian man, and a sorceress from the torso+arms

3. Pregnant Woman - didn't like the legs or hair on her, so, different ones... and with tshirt arms instead of bare ones

2. Rocker - one almost original, with black hair and a different torso... and another from the original gorgeous torso

7. Lady - original (except the skirt under the large one), and then another lady from the skirt (that color matches almost nothing - found one torso, and had to clean it... same for the arms - I mean, there were none.. but remembered those shoulder thingies..)

4. Astronaut - a different klicky to wear the suit, and the original klicky - it's a man.

6. Rodeo Champion - with different legs, and the obvious indian from the original ones

5. Judge - trying to go for Judging Amy (Wikipedia link)... just a different hair

8. Cavewoman - original, except the necklace (didn't like the original one for a cavewoman!), and no bracelets

9. Girl Scout - just different hair

11. Cleopatra - just different hair, and no necklace hiding that gorgeous torso

12. Student - just different hair (since the original one is to be used in a more core klicky)

10. Cosplayer - The pup, of course.. and... well.. this is a first... FIVE klickys from one figure. Amazing.
- with the skirt, another ballerina... with a white tail.
- from the jacket+arms, a modern woman
- from the gorgeous dark brown hair+ears, a forest guardian
- from the legs, a modern man
- from the torso, a wizard... could not make her dark tan due to the lack of arms (is this a good place to say again that gendered speedo arms suck? )

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Queen Tahra, October 2024

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