A strange offer from playmobil, with a mispelled name. Really colorful odd klickys - unfortunately speedos..

So, these are about 5 very stereotypical girls , who are "best friends forever"

From what I understood, each series is about them trapped in a dream...

Regardless of the silliness, the klickys have amazing colorful hair, and some interesting parts... and... a "magic pet" - meaning, small animals in odd colors. Meaning, NEED.

Unfortunately, the main characters are sold in ridiculously huge boxes. Guess they were really serious when they said "5 Girls in big surprise boxes". More on that in a review.

Anyways, click on the series for more.

Series 1: Candy World

Series 1 is Rosalee's dream in the candy world... (available March 2020)

Series 2: Comic World

Series 2 is Edwina's dream in the comic world... (available August 2020)

Series 3: Music World

Series 3 is Starleen's dream in the music world... (available January 2021)

Queen Tahra, April 2020

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