Series 1, available March 2020, is about Rosalee's dream in the candy world...

There are the 5 main characters (in oversized boxes), and a surprise series:

  • 70384 Viona (review later)
  • 70385 Rosalee
  • 70386 Clare
  • 70387 Starleen
  • 70388 Edwina
  • 70389 Surprise Box

There is one leaflet for the series, showing all the collectable stuff .

But it doesn't really show the actual content of each set, which is a shame, and quite unhandy. Because what is NOT in the leaflet is way better than what is...

On the image above, please note that if you fold it in half, as a normal person would, the figures get "cut". FRITZ TOMÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ!!!! It boggles mind.

(I will repeat these in the Surprise Series review)

All the sets have a card and a sticker... And there is also a sticker book... but I didn't get my grabby hands on one YET. (I will update...)

Update: Got it

It has places for the stickers from the main characters...

... the surprise figures...

... and the charms...

Queen Tahra, April 2020

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