Another fairy ship, and the second (and last) male fairy on this lot. He kinda steals the show, along with that gorgeous dolphin .

Besides that..... it's NOT pink!!!

Note that the ship is not fully assembled in the box (the front part)

Also compatible with the usual underwater motor - not included, thank the Gods.

As usual, the box is empty - two could easily fit there :

With the box empty, things rub together - and since most of the time the parts do not come bagged, you get this:

"Dirty" right out of the box...

And everything:

The ship's hull is the same as before (along with most everything else) - and the same mold as the viking ship.

Works rather well. I liked the previous one, and this one is prettier - as mentioned, orangeish is a huge improvement .

The sail was really hard to assemble, and is my least favorite part (same happened with the other one - the mast with the "cabbage" on top was not very... appealing).

The set includes another of those lovely fairy lights, and that golden thingy in the back.

As usual, I didn't use the stickers:

Klickys and animals next...

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Queen Tahra, August 2017

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