Continuing... (back to the beginning)

The ship is very nice, with the hull in black, instead of the previous dark brown.

This commander is less afraid of the sun, and settled for a cushioned seat without the protective canopy over it like the previous version

The invisible rowers are again assumed somewhere.... I suppose it is the possible solution (quite like the Airgam ship), and it looks good.

The shields are new - this is the main novelty of this new roman batch. Here are the old and the new shields:

Variety is good and all... now I need SOME of these as well.

These new shields don't set here as well as the old ones, I think, due to that new hold.

As to putting it away... it is easy to remove the sides with the oars.. And, in a brilliant improvement, the mast can be simply twisted on and off. GENIUS!

With the lack of ropes, it is very fast to make it ready for docking in the shelf and back in battle order! I can't praise this enough. Some sets seem to have been designed with no thought to this at all, but this one...

There is of course a shooting thing - a scorpion/ballista:

It looks nice, and the flaming projectiles are amazing, made in multicolored plastic - an awesome look!

There are also two common ones, useful to be shown stored or something.

I like this set, but it's a real shame that it doesn't bring new klickys. Of course, having the old one (a couple of times) maybe I didn't really NEED this one.. Who am I kidding!? Of course I need this one as well

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Queen Tahra, October 2016

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