(part 3/3)

9. Space Kook

An astronaut with an odd painting on the helmet visor.

A great looking cowboy inside!

10. Black Knight

Black? I suppose it's a sign of the times. Too much bleach.

But he is gorgeous

Another odd head - but that is quite easy to fix (and nice glasses, so.. win!)

11. Ghost Diver

Another deep sea diver... The most interesting part here would be the head. Of note, the hair comes apart in the pack..

Unfortunately, it's not a figure head. Lame. VERY VERY LAME. A matter of principle - in truth, makes little difference around here. Figure heads are only really important when drafting klickys.. after that, whenever possible, they are klicked (99.99% of the time permantently) with "normal" heads.

I thought the guy looked weird...

Then I figured it out: like the spirit heads, this one is printed FAR too high, making it look like some weird, bald worm peeking out. THAT ruins the head.

This is why all heads should be molded. At least the mouth and eyes would be in their proper places, and if something went off with the printing, we could end up with a simple head, but not a ruined one.

12. Ghost Clown

The creepiest of them all?

This is also a double faced head, with a simple one on the other side...

Queen Tahra, May 2020

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