There really isn't much in the set.. the climbing line was not made for Gonk, and he needs some silly adapters to be able to hold on to it..

And then it looks plain weird (same as the trolls):

Though not as weird as a guy holding TWO bunches of bananas like that!

Agent Houston has the same pointless body as Alex (and I think this new version of Dr. X too). A shame, because his face is really nice, and would be great for customs.

And though his head in not normal, at least the hair (like Alex's) is. Well... normal as in "type" . Meaning compatible with normal heads:

I wish I could get some more of those hairs... and in different colors too! Variety and all!

Gonk.. he is a lot cuter than I thought..

Like the trolls, he can fully move his arms:

He can also move his head vertically, and his legs (individually) back and forth:

He is quite smaller than the trolls:

But his hands are made the same way (with that silly smaller indent for holding klicky sized stuff, looking all sorts or weird) - so they can share weapons:

Gonk is really, REALLY cute . I am wondering if a second one wouldn't be a good idea.

So, a great set, but WAAAY oversized. A box half that size would still be way too big. And removing the bananas would also be an improvement.

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Queen Tahra, March 2017

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