70242 Boys

(part 2/3)

5. Gamer

The klicky looks nice, even if a bit "loud".

I was really excited about the new headphones (and hair) - unfortunately, they are almost useless, since they actually attach to the hair with a stupid peg. So, like that BEAUTIFUL long hair in the girls, all ruined

The controller is awesome

6. Knight

He's GORGEOUS . And extra well armed (still an issue, the quantity of accessories with the figures - this one is one of the lucky ones ).

Oh, not only he brings quite a few weapons, but the swords are extra nice too!

Still... only two arrows? Wasn't three the standard? Besides, can we please have the triplet arrows back please? These single ones are only useful if he is holding one. They don't fit in the quivers, and they don't STAY in the quivers. Very annoying.

The torso is beautiful , under all that (NOT gonna happen!), and the arms are nice too - note his skin color is tan, so, variety. I am not overly fond of the leg sculpt, but that is just me, I believe.

7. Diver

He is a very welcome addition, since non skin male speedo torsos are quite rare. He is also well equiped.

Note the tan asian head - awesome. Shame about THAT hair

The only speedo in the series - which means you can exchange.. heads. Great. Is this a good time to mention the darn arms aren't compatible? I think so: you can't even switch the arms about, since speedo arms are gendered - you can only swap these with other MALE SPEEDO arms. No, not over this.

8. Journeyman

This one was a true mystery, until somene identified him as a Journeyman - apparently a tradition in Germany (link to Wikepedia). Without context, he looks like an odd vagabond - with a full diaper.

WITH context, makes sense - except the diaper - I didn't read about that part anywhere. Yuck.

The torso is really, REALLY nice...

Queen Tahra, August 2020

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