71455 Boys
(part 1/3)
1. Father

Another interesting original figure - a nice addition. Very nice. I think the hat may be new in this gorgeous dark red color. I really like the sculpt too.
It's a shame the klicky parts are not new. But we get a baby too, and I believe he is new. I really like the color and the print.

The beard is not a perfect color match to the hair.
The (complicated!) contraption to hold the baby is new in this color, I think. I found it somewhat tight, so I checked if I was fastening it correctly
... but I was.. I wonder if it is made for female torsos, somewhat thinner.
Uhm.. Ok. I might have put the kid facing the wrong way.
This is not a core thing. Neither are kids
The contraption came restricting the legs, thus:
2. Dwarf Warrior

He looks nice - the colors are very striking. The red hair and the fancy beard are very
on for a dwarf

The torso is gorgeous, and there is no way it will be under that (also gorgeous) armor!
The arm printing is very beautiful too - a shame to hide them... Personally, I'd rather have a different sculpt (I don't much like those pointy shoulder things).
I really wonder if people who decide the figures actually try to assemble them for real. The baldric is not really nice on a dwarf - it almost touches the ground all by itself. Since that is not bad enough, they gave him a claymore sword. I mean... seriously?

As you can see, the sword drags. It ALMOST touches the
ground used on a normal klicky (that guy volunteered to help me show this). That type of sword does NOT belong on a side scabbard like that. And that scabbard most definitely does not belong on a dwarf!
The armor and the helmet are great, and the sword is nice too. Though the images seem to show an all golden sword, it actually has a brown hilt. It's either new or uncommon, there wasn't one in the swords box
- the only golden sword there was the one pictured, with a blackish hilt.
3. Snow Walker

A recurring figure - but he's a nice klicky. The head print is not very common (though I don't think it's a perfect match for him

I really like the grey hands+gloves. But the arms are printed to match the jacket, and it's a pretty print, so not much reuse.
I suppose the snowshoes are new:

One of them was missing a glove
4. Castaway

Though the idea is far from original, he is. And he is a gorgeous klicky
That torso is beyond amazing... I can see so much potential!
Actually, the legs are very nice too, with that rope belt...

The crab is new
- the color... or at least, new here.

I also like the flag thing on an oar.

One hair came mismolded. Unlike previous such errors, this is actually useless: can't put it on a klicky, and the hat just doesn't hold.
. And this is not a common color for caveman hair.
Queen Tahra, May 2024
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