71456 Girls
(part 1/3)
1. Aztec

She is most definitely a highlight in the series. Though she could be a fairy, I am thinking she is meant to represent an aztec woman. Visually, quite well, imho (according to google, anyways
She is gorgeous.
Beautiful colors.

I THINK the hair could be longer. But that'd probably be complicated with the wings. Same with the pouch - it doesn't really work well... but not sure there is a better option... I am not fond of "empty pegs"
The hat, though a common sculpt, really looks different with this print. Different and GORGEOUS.
The loincloth with the print looks awesome as well.
The ankle thingies look great - great idea to reuse the ancient indian thingies for this. Reminds me... I DO have a quite a few of those... Just sayin'.

These are not
exactly the same as the ancient ones (shape and color). It's hard to tell in the pic, but the new one (in the middle) is less rounded, and with a stronger color:

One of the ankle thingies was missing in a figure. Not good.
2. Vampire

Another common figure, in theme - but she's great.

I really love her head - the eyes are amazing!
Besides that, the prints are gorgeous, and the torso is especially ripe with potential.
I don't think she should have barefeet, but that is easy enough to fix, and white bare feet are not that common, so... all good (would Castithans have bare feet?)
3. Sami

One of the girls' highlights
Same beautiful colors as her male counterpart, and she has a baby reindeer...
The baby is the same sculpt as the
bambis baby deers... but the color is new.

One of them had a smudge on the forehead, looks like a wound
... (I'll
clean it, I think)

The printed cape and hat are gorgeous too. And the gloves, molded in two colors, are amazing too. They kinda scream "Santa" to me

Here is one of the babies with a parent...

She is a perfect match for the boys'...
4. Superhero

An escaped
Everwhatsit Everdreamerz, clearly.
Though different, she gives off strong Colorista vibes (
Everdreamerz - Series 2: Comic World - Surprise box (70478) #12 Colorista)... Though really not the same, she has the same color scheme.
As her cousin, she is VERY colorful.

Love the way the torso print flows into the arms'. Very well done.
Queen Tahra, May 2024
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