71456 Girls
(part 3/3)
9. Artist

She's kinda nice... though I am not very sure what is she supposed to be...
If she makes drawings/paintings... what's with the clothes all messed up? Full of ink blots? I mean.. seriously? Is this the clumsiest klicky EVER?

The hair is gorgeous... it's nice to have this sculpt appear in more
normal colors
I think the torso would be particularly gorgeous if not all "dirty". One of the sleeves is pristine, but that arm is also spotted. Same happens to the legs - it's kinda odd that the shorts are in such a messy state, but one of her legs escaped...
I am not overly fond of those extra extra short.. shorts. Unless they make them in heels, for a Daisy Duke (
Wikipedia link) custom
The bracelets, as usual for this type, came already on the arm.
Though it's hard to see with the hair, the head has eyebrows:

I do love the painting (I am so easy!)
10. Pizza Vendor

A nice companion for the burger vendor in the boys, I think.
An interesting idea, though I am not sure about the rollerblades. That kinda prevents selling in a stadium or something, no? Pizza on wheels sounds... hazardous.
Still, a pretty modern klicky, with very nice colors.

The logo on the hat matches to one on the cooler (uhm... warmer, in this case?) and the klicky.

This was another victim of the odd compulsion to include rubberbands... because. The stikers come all crumpled. WHY? No idea. But I'd love to know.
11. Queen

The mandatory big skirt... In pink. She's pretty, and the skirt being half transparent makes her less common, though harder to sort, and not as beautiful (but that could be me).

The torso is very very pretty, though it really doesn't match the big skirt. It does match the legs - wasted under that... And.. golden sandals!!
- that is so NOT happening!
I am not really fond of the arms... the long glove sculpt, I mean. And in this case, the "skin" part is sort of visible through the pearly color - it's a bit strange.

This was not an issue before, I believe... And it affects some klickys more than others. Actually, one of them has a half transparent skirt. Kinda creepy.
12. Skateboarder

She is a really nice modern klicky.. Though the huge necklace is strange for a someone on a skateboard...

The leg print makes her more... unique... and the "playmobil" on the small top.. well. You know how easy I am with that...
The helmet has a print on the side... Not sure I like it. But variety, right?
The skirt is gorgeous, and I can see where it will end up
The skateboard is new...
Queen Tahra, May 2024
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