Kept - Girls
1. Aztec - original, with the mandatory male friend, and the obvious mermaid
3. Sami - original with a friend, and the baby reindeers
2. Vampire - a beautiful sorceress

The Sami were a great success with the local reindeers..
6. Unicorn Fairy - the original klicky (with different arms) makes for a bit odd modern klicky - maybe a cleaning service? A different klicky to wear the suit, and join the rest (marketing actions or something)... And the most immediate plan: knights from the helmets. Not easy colors to work with (almost no matches), so ended up going for simple white and gold/silver - if there are ever better matches, these can just have another helmet and remain knights
7. Basketball Player - original (with new hair), and a more core lady for ancient themes. Wanted to do a guy from the legs too, but there aren't proper options for black male speedo torsos in the poptubs at this point, so.. It'll wait.
8. Valkyrie - original, just added slippers (still far from perfect, but better than barefeet
). And some sort of warrior from the torso. The obvious mermaid will wait, since I wasn't happy with the current options the poptubs yielded... and there
are more merpeople on the way this year (my poor poor wallet!)
4. Superhero - original, minus cape, and with different hair.
5. Policewoman - used the legs for another klicky, being a nice match.
12. Skateboarder - two modern klickys from the torso (kinda fancier) and legs, and the obvious hawaiian from the skirt.
9. Artist - original, with new hair - couldn't really do anything with the messed parts - so, a nanny (poor woman!) or a helper for an animal "artist"
10. Pizza Vendor - original
11. Queen - klicky with different arms and feet, minus the big skirt. And another lady for the skirt... had some problems with her - that skirt almost joined the "bag with big skirts to use"
. Will try to do someone
ghostly with that half transparent skirt later.
Queen Tahra, May 2024
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