71605 Boys
(part 1/3)
1. Detective

This is a strange one... Reminds me of Inspector Gadget (minus gadgets)... but from what I saw (don't remember THAT well) he doesn't have glasses, and the coat seems to be generally greyish. So, not sure. Unless whoever made him remembers the character as well as I do

I thought he would be a super4 klicky, but no - he's a speedo. Thinking of possibilities, that is better... though in fact the head is not uncommon (though the dark mouth is infinitely better than the bright red ones!), and the torso and legs aren't really that reusable. And the arms do need a torso, so... Meh.

Though speedos are infinitely better than super4s, the truth is they are VERY inadequate for anything other than barechested or lycra clad klickys. Ok, could be a stripper, I suppose.
The jacket has some potential, but the klicky can hardly move in it. Needless to say it attracts every speck of dirt in a large radius.
2. Garden Gnome

Yet another garden gnome. Again with the same legs.

The overalls print is new:

But he is VERY close to the previous one, in
series 11 (even the same accessories).
He is also closely related to the Lechuza promo gnome - though he has "real" (as in "not printed"
) overalls.

I really don't understand why they can't make these of another color, especially the feet. Blue?! WHY? The sculpt is really nice, but in that color...
What's wrong with brown shoes? Or black?
The watering can was unassembled in the pack:
3. Fire Juggler

An original klicky, and a gorgeous one
He strongly reminds me of some video game character, but I can't put my finger on it...

The torso has beautiful fiery prints.

The legs have a pretty color too - matching nothing, I assume. But gorgeous. Well... they would be gorgeous, if not in two different shades of green. WHY? It looks ridiculous. And afaik, they are all like that
Love the hair too (though not new) - and dark tan is very nice (though still more challenging for customs, but that will fix itself by having more and more of these parts)
These darker torches are not common, at least around here.
4. Aboriginal Australian

Another very original klicky
- he's beautiful.

The torso and face prints are great.

Having those thin rubbery bracelets on the ankles is a great idea.
I believe we haven't seen a boomerang since Alien from Super 4...
The bracelets were already on his ankles:
Queen Tahra, October 2024
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