71605 Boys
(part 3/3)
9. King

An interesting addition - a more modern king. Well... if that's what he is.

He strongly reminds me of other klickys, but I think he is not the same.
I really like his grey hair.
10. Caveman

A beautiful new caveman.

I really love the colors and prints... and the monobrow - matching the hair.
He's a perfect match to the female one.
The color reminds me of Fred Flintsone, but without that tie, I guess that's not the idea. Good. A caveman in tie would be silly!
These dark brown parts are not common around here..

The legs came unassembled. I always find that odd, since in most of these the feet do not come out easily, some requiring some more.. serious... action to remove (or it could be me
11. Miles Davis

Apparently, this could be Miles Davis:
Wikipedia link. Not my thing, but from the photos, a nice representation.
This time, the head
is a figure head (unlike the
scooby mess!) - but I still had a real hard time popping him.
Also, the eyes are not printed on the forehead (unlike the
scooby mess).
However, the wrong plastic was used, and the head is plain weird. I mean, it would be great for a piece of furniture (perfect, really), not so much for a head.
Worse, this is a unique head (color/print, not mold). So.. the klicky seems to suffer from some skin problem. Apparently this is a widespread mess - afaik, everyone so far got these defective heads.

The torso is pretty - though nothing really special (or core), it's different, with the pink bow.
And the jacket is also very nice, with the color reminding me of that gorgeous wintery woman from Spirit...
12. Cowboy

Though there is nothing new about a cowboy, he is a really nice one - duh, brown!

Gorgeous colors, and the prints are great too, especially the torso

The frying pan with the beans (shame it's just a sticker) is a nice addition too

This guy has a LOT of accessories!
Queen Tahra, October 2024
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