New polar bears!

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The ski printings are new, I think. There are only one set of ski poles, apparently because one of them will have his hands full with that carrier/stretcher thing.

The part was used before as a stretcher for mountain rescue. This time, it has not only "playmobil" molded on it, but also the ADDRESS! How odd is that!?

The set also brings a more recent version of the tool set (as in not the common old one we have like 675 times ) At least it is not (yet?) common on playkingdoms. So, very welcome.

A shame about the big hunk of plastic... but then again, white rocks aren't that common (I wish they hadn't mostly abandoned the ROCKIES system), and if I am being reasonable about it (not really common, I'm afraid ) we don't need more polar bears, hence we don't need to buy the set again, so...

That contraption can be positioned on the rock to extract the cylinders (taking samples, I think):

Now that's nice. And it doesn't light up! Or shoot!

There are three cylinders, and this odd part to cradle two of them:

Considering the shape... I looked about for a place to fit it.. and tried to see if the part existed... Came up with nothing... But later looking at the cars I didn't get, found it. This fits in the 9059 - Polar Ice Pirates Truck... So, mystery solved!

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Queen Tahra, January 2017

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