The klickys:

They are both beautiful, especially the one with the torso with the new print.

The legs on these guys are the common space ones, allowing them to wear the skis.

Both hats are really gorgeous too, and those gloves!

Unfortunately, we can again see the lack of printing quality, and the guy on the left doesn't even look to have been finished properly. Not serious, nothing half a mike with a x-acto knife doesn't sort. However, I don't expect that to be necessary with a new klicky from a boxed set, right?

Though that new shirt is fracking gorgeous, we both thought it is more fitting as "winter" than polar.. so... Changes!

The first stayed as is...

Using the vest from the woman in 9055 - Polar Explorers Base, came up with guy number two... And for added variety (ok, and because I intend to make some more eskimos and need the hoods!), used the figures 10 hood and gloves.

And number three for that beautiful shirt

So, another great set. New polar bears, beautiful klickys and interesting "exploring equipment"!

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Queen Tahra, January 2017

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