New doggies

We decided to get two of them as soon as we saw it.

Box about empty. Could fit both of them in there with no effort at all.

And here's everything:

I could do without the rock with the red thingies, making the set cheaper... after all, we have rocks , and it's not even a Rockies system, where it would be infinitely more useful. Also, I was sick of hiding ONE of those red crystals in the 9055 - Polar Explorers Base set. Doing that 5 more times TWICE.. well..

Besides the hatchet, I think the metal detector is new. I really like it. A great example of a new use for existing parts...

The klicky is one of the most beautiful original ones (along with his cousin on the igloo-base). The colors are plain gorgeous (me and browns/greys!). I wish they'd do this more often.

The bad news... well.. not even news at this point.

See the lack of printing quality? One has a smudge in the face, the other in the vest. These were both out of the boxes.

And all the polar hoods seem misprinteed somehow. Though not serious... I suppose, given the "texture".

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Queen Tahra, January 2017

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