Now, let's look at the doggies (and the sled).

The huskies are new, and a definite highlight of the theme.

Here are the new doggies:

The sled is new as well, but I am not very fond of it. I think it's nice, for the explorers, and there lies the problem. I would rather have one that I felt more proper for the eskimos, an updated version of the old one..

Details of the new sled:

I also think four doggies are too few, and I hope there is an add on for a couple of harnessed dogs.. or we will have to try parts.

So, let's compare.

We can't trade the harnesses between them. Not happy news.

The new harness has a much longer connector...

We can't even trade the harnesses themselves (variety is good, and I was looking forward to mix everything).

The connectors are different in the sled:

This was a HUGE missed opportunity. WHY isn't this compatible with the old sled and harness?! And why aren't the dog harnesses also interchangeable with the old ones? I mean, these are all new parts, so... Was this a conscious, deliberate decision? Nobody remembered that? I was so very disappointed with that. I was looking forward to having these new pups pulling the old sleds, and vice-versa...

Not gonna happen, at least not without some work

Putting the old dogs in the new sled is not an issue (may not be a tight fit, but no worries):

I find the new harness part kinda ... legoish. Looks.. "fake". Can't explain why, but doesn't seem to settle half as well as the old one.

Let's compare with the old one:

I believe the old one looks much better. Have no idea about accuracy, but it just seems to "flow" better.

The advantage of this new one is the ability to easily add more pups to the sled:

I'm gonna say it again - I really hope there is an add-on for 2 or 4 harnessed huskies!

Anyways, another winner! A lovely set with new pups and a gorgeous klicky. Bonus: no blinkies or shooting thingamajigs!

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Queen Tahra, January 2017

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