9242 Girls

(part 3/3)

9. Golden Statue of Liberty

The highlight of the series. Ok, it's just the Liberty Statue from Series 3 in gold. But..

One point though... The original greenish (playmo)statue was barefoot. So is the real one. This one has high heels. WHY!? Wouldn't GOLDEN bare feet be amazing!? Bah. I mean, there must be like 65678 klickys with golden high heels. Double bah.

The classic hair in gold looks amazing... She is beautiful.

Our mummies were very excited as soon as the first pics were known ...

Here they are trying to win the lady's favors...

Bonus pics

10. Pirate

The Pirate from Series 4 in blue.

She does look nice... actually probably better than the purplish one.

Though I can't really make that peg on the side work with.. well, anything except one of those small stone age pouches. With anything else, the klicky can barely move. That could be me though.

11. Fancy Lady

Very close to the lady of Series 2, with different arms and hair.. and wearing a hat.

She also has an umbrella, something her predecessor did not. A beautiful umbrella.

I don't much favor this arm sculpt - those long gloves look kinda silly to me.

12. Singer

This is a new one - she looks nice, all greenish.. screams fairy to me! (the hair must go).

Also, she has the Weird Performer's arms and bracers - those are lovely, and great for my elvish FEMALE archers.

Oh, is this a good time to mention that the fracking speedo arms are NOT compatible with "normal" ones... or even with the other gender?! These are sooo nice, but are limited to female speedos.

Queen Tahra, July 2017

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