Fi¿ures App

First things first...
Before this series, I saw that there is supposed to be an exclusive golden knight as a gift for completing a series. Obviously I had both
series 22 and
series 23 completed...
Updated the app, and there it was... (I didn't actually do screen caps of this, these were taken after

Anyways, it gave me a code and a dummy code for the previous two series... emailed them as instructed (sucks that there isn't a way to copy the email and the code - very easy to make mistakes like this, especially for
certain people who are really not used to typing on the phone...
I did get the knights (they are all the same).
Just bagged - a bit disappointing that there isn't a special packaging (like the promos and such, that
kissenverpackung playmobil uses so often)...
Anyway, this was a real surprise - to get a knight for completing a series
- also giving purpose to the app

As you can see, a waste of plastic. A bag with two bags (and the sticker).
And here is the guy, all assembled...

I believe the helmet, legs and arm.. armor... are new in this color.
He's a nice knight, but unfortunately, basically the knight from series 1, in a new color. With the same shield
Personally, these are not favorite parts - the armor, helmet, neckpiece and shield molds.

The shield's sticker is slightly different - the new one is more red than the previous one - that one is more of an orangish color.

Still, the black shield is very off, imo. A golden shield and no sticker would vastly improve the figure. And there should be different figures for each series. Also, considering there is one per series (boys+girls), one of them should be a woman.
Anyways... the app was updated several times. All messed up
. The next update brought Series 24. Still as "season".
The order is different this time, with boys before girls and both following the order in the leaflets

But... what is THAT!?
Traded names, and a messed up pic that I can never ever never unsee. And since misery likes company, I include it here

In a later update that horrid pic was replaced by the proper klicky, but the name remained wrong
(that last pic above).
Playing the silly game I did manage to get some figures from series 24.... Works the same, with the same odd "item enlarge" option. Note to playmobil: animals are
not items.

However, restarting the app saw all the figures gone, so... Decided to make sure they stayed on before adding the actual codes.
Eventually, the bought figures didn't disappear on restart... And my avatar is now the chosen "hero" from last time - the Viking
In this version there is an indication when the app is trying to connect to the network. A nice addition.
The shop features the same packs, but now also for Series 24.

As before, there's a Daily Pack (blue), Basic Pack (green) and Legendary Pack (yellow).
The "packs" still have the same image as before - from series 22.

Also as before, you can get figures, items (note to playmobil: animals are
not items), and game boosters. The game works the same... an easy way to get a bunch of figures. Didn't do any screen caps of it, but it's on the previous series'
app review.

The figures are still very unbalanced, and it is very obvious here - if you get a figure you already have, you get 500 for the klicky, plus 100 for each item. Number of items varies from one to three.

The figures - still displayed in that bland, weird high school background.

This series was seriously mishandled in the app - as you can see, they still have the wrong names (besides the traded ones, there's the
Acido Fighter), and there was that weird scary image...
Besides, if you pay some attention to the images above... The
Pirate, the
Singer and the
Pilot have apparently embraced the Force
- the parrot's perch, the rose and the
suitcase they are supposed to be holding are actually
behind their left hands.
Then there's the
Princess - she has a black left hand.
Very odd.
The items - they gave the poor paralympic the glasses. Yes, the PRINTED glasses.
This has happened before, and has not changed: a lot of items make absolutely
no sense. Note to playmobil: animals are
not items.
An interesting mess: the one item for the
Unicyclist is the glasses.
That were NOT included in the figure.
Note to playmobil: animals are
not items.
Like I said, I started by playing some games, and then entered the rest of the codes. There is some mess with the items - maybe it's counting the repeats from the packs?
So, the series code...
And that was the app for Series 24 - click
here to resume the review.
Queen Tahra, September 2023