70940 Girls
(part 1/3)
1. Beauty Queen

An original klicky...
Those skirts are not favorites here, but she is pretty.

The print on the legs is so
faded at first I thought she was misprinted (the images on the leaflets are so small it's hard to tell anything from those - also, my eyesight is not getting any better
And that sash seems ripe with potential.
2. Clown

A interesting and original
FEMALE clown. Loud colors, as is fitting.
The amount of parts on this figure is astonishing. Compared to the poor paralympic, who has none...
The head looks like
Mr. Fastfood's from the Everwhatsit Everdreamerz, but this one has glasses. A perfect use for it - with or without glasses!

I love that hair, and though generally I prefer to use it with earrings or a beard, it looks perfect with this head.
The torso is beautiful (you can see where this is going, right?
When I first looked at those initial pics, I thought she had the same torso as this pregnant lady... but I was (fortunately) way off!

The balloon is not new.
3. Unicycle Rider

An interesting and original idea... The klicky is also nice
, in new colors
However, afaik, the glasses were
not included. Another mess between the leaflets and the actual figure.

The unicycle is really nice, though the support is kinda distracting (but it IS needed, and I have no idea how it would work without it...)

It came unassembled, and I had a bit of a hard time fitting the wheel
4. Painter

Yet another painter... this time a speedo female - odder...
As usual, only the torso is messed up... the rest of her is pristine.
I really like her legs - it may be a new sculpt? At least new colors!

And I also like the paint cans. And the messed up bucket (it's printed, btw). The can has a sticker.
Queen Tahra, September 2023
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