9. Salty

He has really unusual (and hard to match) colors... along with dark tan skin. He also has great tattoos on both arms

The face is really nice too. There aren't many of these dark tan heads, so variety is great.

Figure vs. Sticker The klicky is not very accurate with the sticker.. legs are quite wrong, though I guess without a new sculpt, it works. Without a revolution in the heads, earrings are just not compatible with beards, so let's let that go

10. Dr. Grim

The klicky has a double face, so she also be Marla in disguise.

The file has a new print

Figure vs. Sticker She's pretty accurate for the character.

11. Double Tooth

Figure vs. Sticker The klicky himself is mostly accurate (there is no way to put a holster under the coat), but that hat seems to be the wrong mold (and missing the purple band). As to the beard, I guess it's closer to the longer fancy beard in length, but the one used works better "texture" wise. And since it's a favorite sculpt, I am glad they used this one.

12. Legionary

Figure vs. Sticker The klicky is a really good representantion of the character.

Queen Tahra, December 2022