9332 Boys
(part 2/3)
5. Traffic Cop
A nice looking cop. And though he has THAT hair, the caveman beard makes it look ok
Not much to say, I suppose, but I do like the bright jacket (with matching wrist things!)
The painted stripe on the side of the legs is also a nice touch
I am not following the new cop sets closely, but that sign may be new - the printing I mean.
6. Bike Mechanic
Awesome klicky. Though I suppose he needs a bike
But WHY does he have prince hair? Looks so so off. Easy to fix though.
The legs are not common for fat guys. Great to have another option, and it's a gorgeous print.
The tools were bagged:
And from the back - looking good!
Minus jacket..
The belly is an AMAZING detail (and a bellybutton too!
). And that print...
Did you see that beautiful BEAUTIFUL skull?
(I like skulls)
A shame that there are crossed tools instead of bones... I thought it would require some cleaning for more ancient times...
However, when I saw that necklace... By the Gods. That is UNCLEANABLE!
That hair and face REALLY detracts from the original figure, imo. A shame. Such an easy fix. I suppose whoever did this
has a different opinion, right?
The helmet is gorgeous too! Even if the print is less than perfect.
And.. How amazing is this jacket!?
Looks like a motorcycle club jacket..
A klicky with loads of potential, basically needing new head+hair to be perfect. And a bike, of course.
7. Boxer
He looks great - from his stone age hair down to his new shoes
The hair is a favorite sculpt of mine.. I do think the unshaven beard is off for a boxer (the first boxer in series 1 had
the same head), but I suppose they didn't do another black eyed version yet.. (hint hint hint).
I am not sure this cape works perfectly for a boxer (but I like it better than the previous one, in general)
I like the new shoes sculpt a lot! And they have a star printed on the heel too
He obvioulsy has a naked torso - and... the printed belt goes all the way around!
That is AWESOME!
Also of note, the shorts are sculpted - that "notch" on the side.. Very nice.
The question of the gloves was one I immediately considered. And, yes... same gloves. Strangely enough, the first boxer
also had no-wrist arms, but the gloves are made for the ones WITH wrist. Of course in that case, easy to sort. Now, with
the MALE SPEEDO ARMS, it is impossible. Nope, not over this.
I do like the color and print of the gloves. I like them a lot!
In all, a fine addition... though I suppose he may be deemed somewhat small next to the others, being a speedo and all.
8. Aviator
This one stood out immediately upon first pics of the series.
Amazing work, and the colors too!
He even has nice hair!
I don't think these arms existed in brown, though these are not THAT useful - I mean, modern only, right? - still gorgeous.
After all, brown is a great color for modern klickys too.
And it is worth mentioning the nice reuse of the ice princess' scarf.. the other way around!
The helmet - new for this aviator and the recently released flying dwarf
The goggles seem somewhat a bit too modern, but I really like the helmet's sculpt. And color. Did I mention the color?
But... check his map...
(kinda like the
DRUPA astronaut, who had an accident report
I suppose now.. he needs a plane. Can we please have the biplane re-re-released playmobil? Pretty please? In a new color?
Queen Tahra, March 2018
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