70732 Boys
(part 1/3)
1. Paintball Player

An interesting idea, though I suppose he will need a friend or two to play with.

The klicky is great - I suppose he is really into it, and has proper fancy attire.

The gun is new, and really nice. And also accurate, according to a google search
just not sure about the color, but I think anything goes.

The mask is also new... However, it is not an achievement, imo.. Looks odd, being just a little front, and having holes for the eyes completely spoils the idea, I think.

I was gonna say the bracers are new in this color, but appear to be a new sculpt?! Well, newer, anyway, because I
found a golden pair.. not sure where from (my poor old head).
UPDATE: a fellow playmofriend pointed out to me that these are NOT new. They exist at least since 2018...
Series 14 Boys - 7. SWAT Cop had them!
I have no idea why I didn't remember this, or even noted it back then.
I still assume
they are not common, or they just passed me by, because there wasn't one in the bracers box. I blame my old age.
2. Kendo Fighter

I don't really know anything about it, but seems very accurate from images
. Of course he could also use a playmate.

He's a really nice klicky, also useful in a number of other settings. The arms are particularly beautiful (I am
partial to that sculpt).. and the feet... well... I had just realized there were no tan bare feet for skirts, and
had worked around it (with sandals), when... wait a minute... He has tan bare feet!

The hat is also completly new, and the armor has a new print (I believe the sculpt isn't new) - sadly, it doesn't
fit female torsos
. The sword is new in this color, I think.
3. Lottery Seller

A strange idea - he's a bit on the .... loud side (and I don't mean because of the loudspeaker
Still, a fine addition for the modern theme.
I think the loudspeaker has a new color, and maybe also bag and headband..

The klicky is nice - I like the colors - separately! And he's dark tan!

The lottery tickets are great too.
4. Gargoyle

One of the series highlights, surely. A beautiful statue. The color is amazing, and I wish for more parts with the same gorgeous stone effect

It may be a bit hard to make others, since there are really no matching parts...

I am not a fan of the way the horns are made, like a pegged hairband with a matching hole in the hair (not new). Looks a bit off, and makes the whole thing not easy to reuse. Which is a shame.

All the wings came rubberbanded with the horns. All the horns were assembled (in the "hairband") backwards. Only noticed when taking pics, but I was not the only one (misery likes company and all)
Queen Tahra, March 2022
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