9333 Girls

(part 3/3)

9. Skier

Beautiful colors.

It is nice to see braids - I don't think they're all that common these days. The legs are nice (and new) in this color. It is a great sculpt, and I like them very much

Unfortunately, it's a male torso. We try hard to avoid that, being that klickys have really very little to tell them apart.

Apart from that... The torso is GORGEOUS - completed wasted under the jacket... That will be sorted.

I think the skis are a new print, but I am not sure... Fortunately, she does have two batons, not just the one shown in the promo pic

And another highlight - the hat all in white , and so are the gloves:

Lots of potential here.

10. Flamenco Dancer

Yet another one of these... I do wish for some more imagination on doing the figures.. It's the 3rd, I believe (series 3 and 8).

This time she is tan, and the printing is in gold and red. A very nice combination.

11. Yellow Lady

The mandatory large skirt - beautiful . AND not pink! Besides, everyone must know by now I like yellow, right?

Apart from the color, the hair is the non-hole version, and therefore not only gorgeous, but also a lot more useful.

And underneath... a YELLOW skirt!?

The yellow matches the green knight in the boys series!

A wonderful addition!

12. Rockabilly Girl

A nice looking klicky, with a new tattoo!

I suppose the parts are not overly reusable (she looks like one of the fashion girls - 6883), but she is beautiful.

The head is new - a fairy head with glasses - and looks awesome! And that tattoo.. sooo pretty!

A pity we cannot really reuse those arms, isn't it? (yes, I will keep whining about this untill I get over it - which will happen.. most likely NEVER )

I really like the headband too (it's rubberish), and the printing on the purse.

Queen Tahra, March 2018

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