70735 Girls

(part 3/3)

9. Undercover Mermaid

Well, the skirt is ridiculous for a mermaid, imo. But it's gorgeous.

A shame the mertail is that odd mold. Still. It's not pink. Or blue. It is beautiful

The torso is a perfect match for the big skirt.

10. Bee Woman

Another bee woman (see Series 14 - Girls #2 - Bee Woman) - she is gorgeous

And the hair/antennae are great! The skirt is new too (the color/print).

11. Figure Skater

Another beautiful figure skater.

I suppose the colors are very... on, for what she is. But the legs are very close to her predecessors'. For some reason, bare legs would not work on a man. And there are none. Not right.

The skirt is unusual (at least around here), and gorgeous in its half transparency.

Her torso reminded me of the previous gymnast (Series 21 - Girls #1 - Rhythmic Gymnast), but it's quite different!

12. Eskimo

A highlight. The colors are amazing. Though they match... well.. nothing, afaik. But we'll get there.

And.. a puppy! I thought that was a new mold, but a young playmofriend set me straight

The print on the puppy though... They are all different!?

Oddly, the legs came unassembled. Very strange. Not hard to assemble, but usually hard to disassemble (sometimes, at least for me, impossible without cutting that stupid tab inside - I actually bought a tool for that, years ago )

A real shame she has the same feet than Astrid. There are so few options. Like... Three? Still... one day... I do love this mold.

Queen Tahra, August 2022

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